Become a Lights Out CNY Advocate

Becoming a Lights Out CNY advocate is easy! You can set an example in your community by turning off or dimming nonessential lighting during critical migration periods is proven to dramatically reduce hazards for migratory birds. Birds are attracted to and disoriented by excessive artificial light. By flipping a switch, you can help birds rest and nest safely in Central New York.

Then help spread the word!

  1. Write an op-ed for your local paper describing the hazards of light pollution for migratory birds and healthy ecosystems.

  2. Share this page with friends and family!

Join us!


Become a Lights Out CNY Volunteer

Join the Lights Out CNY flock! Volunteers are needed for monitoring areas of concern, recording bird fatalities and saving injured birds, , marketing, graphic design, data analysis, outreach events, and more!

Contact us today.

Prevent Window Collisions

Property owners can also help birds by preventing window collisions using decals and creative stick-ons. Try CollidEscape, Feather Friendly, ABC Tape, Birdsavers, or more. Saving just one bird can make a difference. Remember to follow the "2 by 4 rule" of having a visual barrier on the window surface every 2 inches horizontal and 4 inches vertical. An easy and cheap solution is simply moving your bird feeder 3 feet or closer to the window.

Learn more here.